Monday, July 28, 2008

MOSQUITO !@#!@%&^*%!

WTF!!!Why is there so many 'fruitcake' mosquito in my room now...arghh...10th floor above the ground also got mosquito...what the hell(ala2 mr fauzan gitu)...i wonder how they can fly until so high...well...really get pissed off with this stupid suckers...arghh...please...someone killed all this creature...i hate it...they are sucking my bloods all...'fruitcake' creature...i will be glad if there is such creatures that could suck all my colestrol and my oil...hahaha...dare to dream u simon...dare you...will getting mosquito repellent soon to kill them mercy to them just become more and more this few weeks back and it dont really appear in the early week when i first move into cyberia...arghhh...i hate mosquito...

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